Every Day, I'm Brave

Renee ZukinĀ®

Who Controls YOUR Narrative?

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2025

Yesterday, as I was driving home, there was a car in front of me with a colorful, pastel bumper sticker that read: "Are You Worried?" 

I considered the question, and in that particular moment, the answer was truly no. I thought about how so many people are really worried right now, and about how sometimes, I am, too. I also thought about how what we give our attention to can affect that answer, and as someone with a long and torrid relationship with anxiety and fear, I know that staying in a worried state doesn't change anything. Ever. 

It made me think about who is influencing how we feel in any given moment. Who (or what) is controlling our thoughts, our fears, and ultimately our actions. Who is controlling the narrative in our lives? We've always been humans of social and cultural conditioning, we are not separate from the world around us, but now more than ever it is imperative that we are able to discern the voices that impact the story of our lives.

Our lives are an...

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The Ancestors

In the mid-1980's my mom went on a small radio tour to promote her previously published book for people with lactose intolerance and milk allergy. A pioneer at the time, she was one of the few experts out there doing the work to help people everywhere find new ways to enjoy dairy-free foods and help mothers raise their children without milk. As the rise in "Got Milk" ad campaigns across the states left parents without much mainstream support, my mom wrote and delivered a quarterly newsletter with the latest research and recipes, creating a safe space for these conversations long before milk alternatives became popular coffee shop must-haves.

This radio tour led her to Arizona, with stops in Phoenix, Flagstaff, and finally Sedona, where she picked up a couple of rocks and lots of inspiration to bring home to us. My preteen heart burst with curiosity when she arrived with tales of magic and mystery that Sedona left her with, and I knew that someday I'd love to visit...

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The Observer

Uncategorized Nov 18, 2024

I saw a reel on social media the other day that did a really good job of illustrating our consciousness, the observer part of our minds. You can watch it here, if you'd like. 

One of the important things about recognizing the Observer in us, is it allows us to detach a little bit from the thoughts and feelings that can hold us back. We can believe things about ourselves when the repeating thoughts of imposter syndrome, shame, or self doubt run on a loop. Those things that keep us from doing the things we really want to be doing, or becoming the person we want to become based on our core values and desires.

The observer in us sees the loop. The observer reminds us that we are not our thoughts, and that thoughts and feelings, and therefore behaviors, are all changeable.

This brings me comfort. Yesterday, I was feeling pretty anxious as I prepared for a work trip this week. It even got to the point where I wasn't sure I could make it happen. The intrusive thoughts, the what ifs,...

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Getting Back on the Horse

As with any practice, there are times in our lives where other things take priority and it's okay to change things up. What is also important is to recognize what a practice means to you and when it becomes necessary to "get back on the horse" as they say.

Exercise, journaling, mediation, creative hobbies, and more ask us to become better at discipline, at choosing to say yes to something that nourishes the self, and in return allows us to show up better for others. 

Writing has always been that salve for me, but I've not always been good at keeping it a "practice." As a teenager I'd write most nights before bed, recounting the events of the day and allowing myself to express the things I observed and felt so that I understood more fully my place in the world.

As an adult, it became much harder to maintain this practice, especially after having kids and then smartphones took away much of my attention span and evening ritual. 

So I've been reclaiming my writing practice in...

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We Did It!

Remember on September 2nd when we started the 30 Day Writing Challenge?! Well, by golly, we did it!

I had many friends join in for some or all of the challenge and make strides on their projects that they are proud of.

My personal goal was to get through all of the developmental edits on my manuscript and I DID IT! It's back in the editor's hands and I'm remembering to celebrate even as the voices of doubt linger:

"Is it compelling enough?"

"I know I'll need to change this or that"

"Are the lessons clear?" 

"So close and yet so far away!"

But we did it! I am farther than I've ever been on a project I really care about, and that's a WIN!

What are you celebrating today? I'm celebrating YOU! For showing up, for being right where you are. We are brave, every day.

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Pause Button

So, I've been sticking with the blog commitment as I also commit to 30 days of writing for 30 minutes. The fact is, it might be a little too much for me right now... sure I've got a lot I can say here, but the last of the developmental edits for my memoir are really where I'm focused. 

So, I'm going to give myself a little break with the blog, and maybe this is permission for you, too, to take a moment and evaluate where you need to most prioritize your time for this particular month, season, quarter... and give yourself the grace not to pile too much on.

Every Day, I'm Brave is an important project for me. It's something I've been called to write, to claim my narrative, to help others know that there is a way to live a courageous, connected, and meaningful life even while dealing with the hard stuff. 

So take a pause when needed. I'm going to do that here while I spend the rest of September finishing up the next phase of my book. There's plenty here to peruse, and there...

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The First Step is Smaller than You Think

Uncategorized Sep 11, 2024

Here's what I'm noticing, in this post-Benadryl brain fog:

That it's never too late to begin.

That cliches exist because they hold a lot of truth and value.

That the simple things matter, and the small steps make a big difference in the long run.

When making daily choices, we are often held by habit, socialization, the demands of work, family, friends, pets. To make any significant changes in our lives we actually have to start small, smaller than you'd think.

Visionaries, this is for you. You can see the big picture but it's so hard to see the small steps that create it. 

Work backwards and ask yourself, "what does it take to get there?" and keep moving backwards to different stepping stones until you see the starting line.

And take that one simple step in the direction of your dreams.

You've got this, brave one. I see you. 

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Watching Jets on a Sunday Afternoon

One of these days I will just decide to be unafraid.

I will buy a ticket, shake hands with the pilot 

And find a window seat in Row 10.

And it will go like that: in a quiet resolve. 

The heat no longer brazen in my chest;

The scattered and hurried thoughts absent.In its place will be a comfort,

A knowledge that I beat the fear of death 

And conquered every bit of darkness

That creeps under my skin. I will be only Light.

And Light will take me anywhere I wish to go.

© 2010

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Morning Mist

I drove by this beautiful view, the early morning fog dancing off the Iowa river just after sunrise.

There is a mysticism innately curated, even though I'm aware of the science behind its existence.

Yes, hot and cold air, moisture, dew points, sunbeams, all of it.

But it's still magical to me.

Science itself feels like magic sometimes.

We may have a deeper understanding of how things work, but do we truly understand why? 

Like what is the underlying purpose of the beauty of mist?

And does it matter? Do we have to know in order to enjoy it? 

To marvel at beauty for beauty's sake and no other reason,

I think that is enough. 

We keep running toward more meaning making, discovery, needing to. know.

This propels a lot of great discoveries.

It can also make us mad.

Sometimes, it's okay to surrender to the not knowing and to bask in the glow of enoughness.

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Small Steps

As a visionary it can be difficult to see the small steps that it takes to get to the big vision. We look around and see the end results, the products, productions, and people who have gotten the big promotion, landed the book deal, done the TED Talk and we think about being there, but aren't certain of the steps. This can cause us to get caught in this trap of thinking that it's impossible, or giving up after a first or second attempt.

There's a quote about becoming an overnight sensation... something along the lines of, "it took me years to become and overnight success." The idea, of course, being that we don't often see the trial and error, the steps and missteps along the way, the hard work and grit of this seemingly overnight success.

So don't cheat yourself out of the real prize. All that dedication and determination to get the support you need to learn your craft, to hone the skills, to become the person who becomes the one who succeeds on the small, every day habits that...

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Gain Freedom from Fear

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