30 Day Writing Challenge!

Okay, people, I am in the home stretch for the last of the developmental edits for my upcoming teaching memoir, Every Day, I'm Brave. As such, it's time for some super duper accountability so I can get this done and into the next phases of the publishing process.

I have a goal (some might say it's lofty) to complete this phase by October 1, and I'm asking for your help.

Help me stay accountable, help me understand that procrastination and busy work will not be the things that complete the book. Help me stay true to the commitment I'm making to myself to get this book out of my head and into your hands, and help keep moving along for all the hearts that may hear my story and feel a little more hope that they, too, can bravely face the challenges and fear that hold them back from creating a life they love.

I'd also love for you to join me! Starting Monday, September 2nd I'm going to begin this 30 day writing challenge (thank you Mel Robbin's LAUNCH container for getting this started!). In order to make it stick, I'll be going LIVE on my instagram page each day to check in on how the 30 minutes of writing went. The wins, the struggles, the PROOF, lol. I plan on writing in the mornings (typically around 8/8:30am Central Time), and then report back. And you can, too! (Here's my IG handle: @reneezukin )

Got a writing project you want to make some serious progress on? Or you want to devote some time to journaling each day to get really clear on your path and work through whatever is up for you right now?

Let's do this together! You can write during a 30 minute window that suits you each day (I recommend putting in on the calendar) and then report back in the comments of my live post each day. I want to celebrate YOU getting your dreams into action as well, feeling a sense of accomplishment and, dare I say, JOY, at sticking to a writing practice for thirty whole days!

Let's do this, brave ones. We've got each other!


Gain Freedom from Fear

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