The First Step is Smaller than You Think

Uncategorized Sep 11, 2024

Here's what I'm noticing, in this post-Benadryl brain fog:

That it's never too late to begin.

That cliches exist because they hold a lot of truth and value.

That the simple things matter, and the small steps make a big difference in the long run.

When making daily choices, we are often held by habit, socialization, the demands of work, family, friends, pets. To make any significant changes in our lives we actually have to start small, smaller than you'd think.

Visionaries, this is for you. You can see the big picture but it's so hard to see the small steps that create it. 

Work backwards and ask yourself, "what does it take to get there?" and keep moving backwards to different stepping stones until you see the starting line.

And take that one simple step in the direction of your dreams.

You've got this, brave one. I see you. 


Gain Freedom from Fear

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