Who Controls YOUR Narrative?

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2025

Yesterday, as I was driving home, there was a car in front of me with a colorful, pastel bumper sticker that read: "Are You Worried?" 

I considered the question, and in that particular moment, the answer was truly no. I thought about how so many people are really worried right now, and about how sometimes, I am, too. I also thought about how what we give our attention to can affect that answer, and as someone with a long and torrid relationship with anxiety and fear, I know that staying in a worried state doesn't change anything. Ever. 

It made me think about who is influencing how we feel in any given moment. Who (or what) is controlling our thoughts, our fears, and ultimately our actions. Who is controlling the narrative in our lives? We've always been humans of social and cultural conditioning, we are not separate from the world around us, but now more than ever it is imperative that we are able to discern the voices that impact the story of our lives.

Our lives are an amalgamation of how we think, what we feel, and how we act. They are intertwined in myriad ways, and how we think and feel affects the choices we make. As such, it's important to pay attention to what is influencing what we think and feel, in order to act in accordance with who we believe ourselves to be.

With social media, main stream media, our families and cultures and work spaces all having an influence, I encourage us to keep returning to the question: Who controls your narrative? 

Are you allowing your instagram feed to dictate your emotions?

Are you giving more weight to the fear-mongering news than the deep and solid connections you have with people in your community?

Are you listening to your body, your heart, the still small voice that nudges you in the direction of your dreams?

Or are you allowing the talking heads, the influencers (see! even that word defines their intention!) and others in your life to hold the reins?

I'm not saying its easy to move through life unaffected by what is happening on the outside, but as a mirror of what is happening inside, the only person who ultimately controls the narrative of your life, is you. 

The first step will always be awareness. In order to shift to being more in charge of what your life looks like on a whole, you have to become aware of the different parts in and outside of you. You have to spend more time as the observer of your thoughts and feelings--without judgement--so that you can make choices from a wiser, higher perspective. 

Because if your wise inner being isn't the one controlling your narrative, then who is?


Gain Freedom from Fear

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