Every Day, I'm Brave

Renee Zukin®

Channeled Message - An Inkling

A few years ago I did a short stint of channeling messages through writing for a handful of clients. The work was easeful, the messages profound for their readers, and I felt good about it, but didn't quite know what to do with it.

It lay on the back burner, simmering and ready whenever I was, to tap in again. As business got busier and I focused on my book, I'd think about what channeled writing is and could do for me, for my clients, for the collective. It doesn't feel like "me" the me that is sitting here intentionally writing about this subject and talking to you.

It's definitely words and phrases and images coming through me. From where? Who really knows, but I believe in a divine presence that hovers in the space between spirit and science. I understand us all to be interconnected, energetic beings of light that are here on Earth to create, to experience a full range of emotions and experiences, and to be present in the learning from all of it. 

A few people have been...

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You Are Loved

Today, the Universe wants you to know that you are loved. 

No matter what is going on in the world or in and around you, you are loved. 

There are scary bits and frustrations, complex issues and moving parts, but ultimately there is only the moment and there is love. 

So breathe into the moment, just for 5 seconds or even 10 minutes, you may not see the world change around you, but your inner world will shift.

Just enough to take a deep breath. To allow for the space between to widen just enough for a new thought to come in, a connection to be made, a surrender or action step to be taken.

And you are loved through it.

Through the heartache and deep grief, through the joy and the ecstatic, you are loved deeply by the energy of the lattice that holds your atoms together. The rhythm of your cells and the ever-evolving vibration of all that is.

It is love.

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Resting in the Plateau

What the Universe wants us to know is: 

That it can be an uphill climb but not impossible. That the dream you dare to dream is something in your grasp or else you wouldn't even be able to see it in your mind's eye.

It may not turn out exactly as you have envisioned, because you will learn things along the path that will demand evolution of the outcome. But in a good way, in a way you never thought possible because the path is the Way and the dream is the motivation to step on to the path.

We often hear the phrase, "life is a journey" or "it's not about the result but what you learn along the way," and it's true (or else why would it be a cliche). So how do we rest in the knowing of that? How do we release or uncover the parts of us that need completion, accomplishment, that feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment of a job well done?

Well that's okay to want those, too. It's natural-part of the wiring, and it's not the end all be all, I guess is the point here. That we can...

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The Next Evolution

In 2010, I wrote an outline and table of contents for a book entitled, The Next Evolution, which is still waiting patiently to be written.

It's not that I stopped evolving, in fact quite the opposite has occurred. The shifts in my life, the ebbs and flow of relationship, of children growing, of jobs and money and all the life learning put me right where I needed to be in order to navigate this year we've just had.

Without the psychological and spiritual tools in my back pocket, this pandemic year could have looked much, much different. But that's a story for another time. Today, I am being drawn to return to the idea of The Next Evolution

Who are we meant to be? Collectively and Individually, this humanity and time we are living in? And how do we even get there?

Over the last year there have been many conversations in different spiritual and communal arenas about Ascension, the 5th Dimension, elevating consciousness, etc., and it's not lost on me that at the same time we...

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