Channeled Message - An Inkling

A few years ago I did a short stint of channeling messages through writing for a handful of clients. The work was easeful, the messages profound for their readers, and I felt good about it, but didn't quite know what to do with it.

It lay on the back burner, simmering and ready whenever I was, to tap in again. As business got busier and I focused on my book, I'd think about what channeled writing is and could do for me, for my clients, for the collective. It doesn't feel like "me" the me that is sitting here intentionally writing about this subject and talking to you.

It's definitely words and phrases and images coming through me. From where? Who really knows, but I believe in a divine presence that hovers in the space between spirit and science. I understand us all to be interconnected, energetic beings of light that are here on Earth to create, to experience a full range of emotions and experiences, and to be present in the learning from all of it. 

A few people have been asking me lately about that channeled writing. Maybe this blog is the best place for it for now, or maybe you want some clarity on a challenge that you think might benefit from reading a message from the Universe, Source, Divine... whatever name you give it. I'm here for it if you're ready.

For all of us today, the message is clear: Love. 

Love yourself more fully than you did the day before. 

Forgive and have self compassion for the things you didn't do but wanted to, for the things you didn't want to but had to, and for the dreams that are still coming forth step by step by step.

Love yourself through it, and it becomes easier to feel that love come back to you.

I love you.


Your Voice Matters! 

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