What the Universe wants us to know is:
That it can be an uphill climb but not impossible. That the dream you dare to dream is something in your grasp or else you wouldn't even be able to see it in your mind's eye.
It may not turn out exactly as you have envisioned, because you will learn things along the path that will demand evolution of the outcome. But in a good way, in a way you never thought possible because the path is the Way and the dream is the motivation to step on to the path.
We often hear the phrase, "life is a journey" or "it's not about the result but what you learn along the way," and it's true (or else why would it be a cliche). So how do we rest in the knowing of that? How do we release or uncover the parts of us that need completion, accomplishment, that feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment of a job well done?
Well that's okay to want those, too. It's natural-part of the wiring, and it's not the end all be all, I guess is the point here. That we can...
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