It's all right here for you, though it may seem far it's really just an intention away. The fingertips touching into existence a dream unfolding.
We walk through this world, eyes closed and heart open. Yet we can not see in our minds eye what is possible until we can taste it, feel it, know it to be true.
And that's where TRUST comes in. Words like "Faith" and "Belief" have been twisted so often into religious piety, rightousness, and false pretenses that what lies underneath The Word is lost. I'm sad about that, because true faith and love are a vibrational match to all things possible in Light.
I may not make much sense to you today, but the Universe is speaking and I can hardly hear it through the mess of the mind, the chaos of war outside, and the hurting that exists on the planet. I have to believe that our Faith and Trust in what we envision for ourselves, in what we wish to serve up for others to grow, expand and love more deeply and palpably exists if only we would allow it in.
Can we allow it?
Can we forgo judgement of others, even in anger and rage? Can we show up kindly for ourselves first and foremost and then it makes it far easier to do for others? It is not selfish to love and care for yourself. In fact, it's the only way we can show others how to do the same.
So what are you doing to show yourself some love today? How can you bravely, openly love who you are not just at the core, but the deeply complex surface that we play out here on Earth?
That's the me I'm longing to meet more often, the one that can compassionately show up in authentic trust. That can love and let go of any expectation beyond who I wish to become while simultaneously accepting who I am.
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