Here's the thing. When it comes to OCD and anxiety, one has to learn how to get more comfortable with uncertainty.
I can dig this cerebrally. Like I get that nothing is truly certain, that there are no guarantees. That I'm not going to ever be completely protected from germs that could make me sick or that I'm not ever going to know with 100% accuracy that the bridge I'm driving on isn't going to suddenly bust. But getting that to really land in my bones is much more difficult.
I do have some safety net of assurance if I look at statistics, evidence to the contrary, and have really good hand hygiene, etc, but absolutely nothing is ever certain (except uncertainty, maybe).
So the work of living a full and beautiful life (maybe even regardless of an OCD diagnosis) is to become better at surrender, at weighing the options that will lead to more joy, connectedness, and success on your terms.
It becomes the work of noticing, breathing into and out of surrender, of choosing in each moment to be okay with not really knowing, but trusting.
So let's do more of that, individually and collectively, because not feeling so alone in this also helps. Together we can look uncertainty in this eye and embrace it, because that is where we find freedom. We can be brave, every day.
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