As the lyrics from Gloria Estefan's "Rhythm is gonna get you" plays on repeat in my mind, I contemplate the new rhythm created from the slow down of the 30 day project sprint I was in into something more sustainable long term.
While I wrote six days a week for the last five weeks in order to reignite this blog, get into a more consistent writing practice, and offer some (hopefully) helpful anecdotes and tidbits for you, what is becoming clear now that the sprint is over is that I want to be a little more mindful and intentional about what I lay down here for my readers.
It's not that there isn't good (enough) content here, or that I don't enjoy sitting down and just seeing what comes through, but I do desire to have some continuity as well.
And maybe I already do, naturally, and maybe it doesn't matter as much as I think it does in the context of branding and marketing (which I've always got my eye on), but it's a desire nonetheless and so we shall see what develops as I come to this new place.
What I do know for certain is that I'm keeping my commitments to:
1) Being a writer who writes 5-6 days a week
2) Continuing to be authentic and brave
3) Completing my manuscript & showing up on my blog
So I think what means, too, now that I've just gotten my first round of edits on the manuscript back from my editor is that I will split my time between writing for the blog and writing for the book. This seems to make the most sense.
So that new rhythm? Expect to see a new post 2-3 times a week.
Interested in a particular topic or got some questions for me that I could answer (anonymously, if you so choose) in the blog? Feel free to write those in to: [email protected]
In the meantime, let the music play on...
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