Stepping out of the Abyss

In my previous days of teaching ninth grade English Literature classes, I would talk with students about the different stages of the Hero’s Journey (I wish there were a non-gendered word for that.) Anyway… as we would read through parts of The Odyssey, Homer's Epic poem from ancient Greece, we would try to make sense of the actions and words of the main character, Odysseus. 

Odysseus sets out on a quest with challenges, dark times, and uncertainty ahead. His ego gets in the way. His flaws prevent him from getting back home. At one point, the journey takes him to an Abyss. In the story, the Abyss is the literal underworld and in order to escape, he must transform. It is imperative for our hero to change his ways, his mindset, and his understanding of his place in the world if he ever hopes to make it back home. 

Metaphorically, we can understand the abyss as the challenging, dark places we come to on the journey of our own lives. Just like Odysseus, in order to return to the home of our hearts and deepen our connection with others, we must shift our perspectives and become open to new ways of being and seeing the world in front of us.

Rebel Writer, you are the Hero of your own journey. And this cycle is continuous. We may not be fighting the Cyclops high atop a mountain, or losing a fleet of armored men to greed and destruction, but we know the Siren’s call. We know there are distractions and challenges along the way that prevent us from staying the course, and we know we must learn from them.

But each challenge is an opportunity to look within, to recommit to the journey ahead in business, with your book, and with the deep inner knowing that your heart has a message to share with others. 

We do the inner work to see the outer change, and as each of us Rebel Writers steps out of the abyss, we can reach down and help the others up and continue the journey.

Do not give up now, you've got this and we've got you.


Gain Freedom from Fear

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