That old saying, "practice makes perfect" has become pretty obsolete because perfection has a bad rap these days. Rightly so, we don't need to do something perfectly--especially if it's going to wreak havoc on our psyche and render us immobile, or ruin our sleep, nutrition, and relationships. And does "perfect" even exist?! I think not, in fact the imperfections are what often make an experience, a person, a work of art, unique and special.
But practice DOES make better. It's important to continue to do the reps. It works the synapses of our brains, it draws deeper lines and faster connections, and creates muscle memory. It helps us become better at what we long to become good at: a sport, an instrument, a skill, even an idea.
We can start small, especially when it comes to writing. Just 5 or 10 minutes gets the pen flowing or the ideas more fleshed out. Finding that kind of time is possible. Making that kind of time is necessary.
So start with today: what is something you've been meaning to make time to discover or practice? Journal a bit on that and then, if it's not writing, go do it for 5 minutes and see how it goes. It won't be perfect, but it will have been a finished rep and that will feel different for the next time and the next time... and that will make it better.
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