Does the way we show up matters more than just showing up?
My mind immediately goes to "well that depends."
And that's the thing about dichotomies; I tend to not like them.
So much rests on the context of what we are defining as Truth, as there are few absolutes in this world:
We live, we die.
But even then, I'm like, "wait, if we are speaking in the context of energy that only transforms like they taught us in science class, than there is less of a true dichotomy between living and dying"
It is the reality of this current Earthly existence (context) and so yeah, maybe that's True as true can be. But again, context.
What is true for you might not be true for me, and I suppose this is why we have so much trouble in society today. We don't allow others to have their own truth so much. We expect people to choose:
Vegan or Carnivore
Left or Right
Man or Woman
Happy or Sad
and then we expect them to never change.
I guess I'm thinking about a lot of different things simultaneously today - this post a bit more esoteric than a standard Friday afternoon might ask of one.
But what I really want to rest into is that there can be multiple truths, that people can allow themselves to be among any and all points of a continuum and that's okay. That so much beauty lies in the allowing of movement, colors, shapes, sizes, realities, resistance, acceptance, love, and more.
Clinging to dichotomy will be the bane of our existence, get comfortable with grey areas. Get better at understanding context, and accept that there are multiple solutions to the universal problems we all face.
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