Doing the Work

"Set a timer for 15 minutes," I tell my child sitting a few cushions down from me on the couch.

"Okay... Ready, Set, Go!"

I begin typing here, now, because I am a writer who writes. And, because I am in integrity with the promises I make to myself about writing for at least 15 minutes a day and posting it on my blog. 

So here I am writing, after a full day supporting clients at different phases and stages of building their business, of up leveling their marketing, of writing and dreaming up new beginnings.

Of endings, too. With each level of expansion we enter in, there is a closing of doors, a turning away from so that we may turn toward the next iteration of who we are becoming. What an honor to witness and share this journey with so many amazing humans doing good work in the world.

Expansion isn't easy, the cycle of contraction and expansion, of opening and closing is not an easy one. But we don't have to suffer unnecessarily in it, we can acknowledge the grief and the knowing. We can sit with the sad and understand that empowered goodness can coexist. We can trust that what we know to be true deep in our hearts will ground us while we reach beyond what we've known into the vision of what's possible.

I shed some tears of my own today. Pride, sorrow, and grace. What an honor to witness the human condition in all its glory. How grateful I am for the trust others have in the space I hold as they vulnerably move through transformative mindset shifts. How lucky am I that this is the work I get to do?

Very lucky indeed, for through this work I gain more Hope.

Hope that the greater good will prevail, that the more of us out here doing the inner work to see the outer change will be marked in time, tangibly unraveling what no longer works and creating new systems and empowered freedoms in its wake.



Gain Freedom from Fear

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