Many of you know that I reignited this blog via a 30 Day Project Sprint as part of Mel Robbins LAUNCH program. In addition to making the commitment to writing for 15 minutes a day for 30 days (minus Sundays, because working 7 days a week is not a boundary I was willing to cross) we had short, daily lessons and a community cheering each other on.
So today is day 29... (geez, the perfectionist in me is loud today... "well technically you only did 25 days so far, tomorrow will be 26, and then there was that one day Mel said the lesson activity could count as our 15 minutes so I did a live in the Rebel Writers group about the process, so I'll end up with 25/30... which I guess is a B- so that just goes to show you how mediocre you really did with this project...")
Do you see what I have to deal with here?
Maybe this is the biggest lesson of all with this 30 Day sprint: count the wins, not the numbers. Not the exactness of following the rules, but how I showed up when I said I was going to at the outset. And that is enough.
I am enough.
And so are you.
And we can tell those voices that demand otherwise, "thank you for your input, I won't be berating myself with your opinions today."
Because, if we are truly looking at comparable numbers, over the course of the last 4 weeks (including this one right here), I've written 24 blog posts. Which is 24 times more than I wrote in the whole year of 2023.
So there ya go...
We are nearing the finish line of this sprint. I will write again tomorrow, and I won't be stopping after that.
Will it be a blog post 6 days a week? Probably not. But I WILL write 6 days a week. I've gotten my first "assignment" from my editor and so I'll continue to use this time to write. I'm thinking maybe I'll split the time: 3 days of manuscript, 3 days of blogging, 6 days a week of being a writer who writes.
That was my goal, after all. The writing practice. Being in integrity with myself as a writer. Commitment to that which I want to create in the world.
I'll celebrate that any day.
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